101 Inspirational Words of Encouragement to Lift You Up

In today’s hectic world, it is becoming harder and harder to calm the mind. We are over-stimulated and overworked, and we find less time to do the things we enjoy because of the things we have to do.

Without moments of quiet and clarity, it’s easy to go a full day without hearing your inner voice. But this is one of the most important things you can do for your mental health. Finding a space for mindfulness helps us both in challenging times and moments of celebration. It allows our mind to come back to who we really are, where we are, and how we are doing.

Inspirational words of encouragement have a powerful effect on the mind. A 2015 study by Brain and Behavior confirmed that repeating a word or phrase quiets what is known as the “default-mode network” – that is, a network that fills the mind with busy, distracting thoughts.

Repeated mantras (like the one’s we’ll share below) allow the mind to rest, help us to focus, and let us see the world without the distracting chatter.

Encouraging phrases themselves spark a positive neurological response. As early as the 1970s, scientist John Eccles found that just by speaking “positive verbs” out loud, the area of the brain responsible for movement jumped into action. Other researchers have continued to prove his findings in the last few decades: that when we repeat positive phrases, our brain physically responds.

We’ve put together a list of words of encouragement to help you focus your mind and quiet your default-mode network.

We suggest reading through the whole list and picking out the ones that really resonate with you. Write those down and put them somewhere you can see them: on your fridge, on a note by your desk, next to the front door, or even on your mirror. Wherever you’ll see them! Then make a point of saying them out loud each day.

So here are 101 inspirational words of encouragement to lift you up today!

Einstein mantra "In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity"
“In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.” – Albert Einstein

Everyday Mantras for Mindfulness

  • Today I plant the seeds for the life I long to live.
  • I am open and willing to flow with life’s changes.
  • I build a space of calm and clarity all around me.
  • My creativity is precious and unique.
  • One activity at a time; there is no need to rush.
  • No one can distract me from this moment but me.
  • I am supported in my work and goals.
  • Today, I will see the world with enthusiasm and curiosity.
  • My breath is an entryway to a place of inner calm.
  • I will seek the sacred in the ordinary.
  • Each person I meet is a friend and fellow world traveler.
  • I am capable of small positive changes.
  • Balance in all things brings peace and contentment.
  • Today, I will create something new.
  • My mind longs for new information and growth.
  • Acts of kindness ripple through the world.
  • My compassion does not go unnoticed.
  • Time is never wasted when I am fully present.
  • Today, I will step outside my comfort zone.
  • Setting goals for the future gives me direction in the present.
  • My five senses are a doorway to the present moment.
  • I will heal by connecting with others.
  • I am a constant work in progress, and that is okay.
Words of encouragement "Everything you need to accomplish your goals is already in you"
“Everything you need to accomplish your goals is already in you.”

Words of Encouragement for Success

  • I have integrity and drive and worked persistently for this moment.
  • I am worthy of praise—both from others and myself.
  • With each day, I will take smaller steps toward my joy.
  • Working toward my goals inspires others around me to do the same.
  • Improvement and growth are never linear.
  • The more I improve myself, the more I can help the world around me.
  • I have the power to spread love to each and every person that crosses my path.
  • My path is unique and I will walk it with pride.
  • I will pause and appreciate this beautiful moment.
  • I can define what “success” means for me at this given moment.
  • I will spread enthusiastic light to those who need it today.
  • I built this mountain with small stones, and only then began to climb.
  • This day can act as a beacon of hope for the days when I need inspiration.
  • My community supports me and I support them.
  • I will be present in my current joy.
  • Change is inevitable, in good times and in bad.
  • Never give up. There is no such thing as an ending. Just a new beginning.
  • There may be trouble ahead, but I am strong enough to face it.
  • People trust me because I am trustworthy.
  • Each success is an opportunity to help others.

Mantras for Good Health

  • My body is a beautiful creation that changes and grows.
  • I choose actions, food, and ideas that help me stand taller and stronger.
  • Each day, my body can heal itself.
  • I fill my mind and body with light and love.
  • I exercise to greater understand my body.
  • I send loving kindness to each organ and area of my brain.
  • Peace with my body inspires others to find peace for their own.
  • Feeding my mind feeds my body.
  • I am allowed to take the time to heal.
  • I will listen to what my body is trying to tell me.
  • I will seek help when I cannot help myself.
  • My health standards come before anyone else’s beauty standards.
  • I will check in with myself and give my body what it needs.
  • When I feed my body well, I am more capable to connect with those around me.
  • Today, I will speak kindly to my body.
  • I am thankful for my abilities.
  • I will proceed through my day with determination, not judgment.
  • I set my own standards and benchmarks.
  • My mental and physical health comes before my career.
  • I will find new ways to support the health of those around me.
a girl in a denim jacket and sunglasses stands beside a red VW camper van
“Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” – John Wooden

Words of Encouragement for Times of Sadness

  • Tears are a river that takes you somewhere…tears lift your boat off the ground, carrying it downriver to someplace better.” – Clarissa Pinkola Estes
  • Though I feel pain, I am still my true self.
  • When I care about emotions, I am more capable of caring for others.
  • Change is the pathway to growth.
  • I will nurture my inner pain and listen to its message.
  • I did everything I felt was right at the moment; I have no need for regret.
  • I am not alone and I am not forgotten.
  • Asking for help makes me stronger.
  • From change comes great possibility.
  • I will listen to my sadness with patience and love.
  • My words, thoughts, and ideas are important to the world.
  • I am deserving of rest and rejuvenation.
  • The world outside my mind does not define me.
  • I am protected in love and kindness during this difficult time.
  • You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather.” – Pema Chodron
  • Although I feel out of control, I am safe, cared for, and healthy.
  • The dangers of the past do not define who I am today.
  • I am not a burden to others, as they are not a burden to me.
  • For now, I will seek joy in the small moments.
  • I am deserving of self-patience and self-love.
  • The world needs to hear what I have to say.
a field of yellow flowers
“Sometimes when you’re in a dark place you think you’ve been buried, but actually you’ve been planted.” – Christine Caine

Mantras for Challenging Times

  • “When a person’s speech is full of anger, it is because he or she suffers deeply.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh, Anger
  • I have solved similar problems in the past and can do so again.
  • I cannot be defined by society’s labels. I am unique.
  • I can use this anger to spark positive change in myself and those around me.
  • My anger stems from fear, and I will comfort that fear with loving kindness.
  • My small acts of compassion matter to the world.
  • Each small step adds up to a long journey toward peace.
  • Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. I only need to focus on now.
  • The success and positive energy of others empower me to change.
  • There are beautiful days ahead.
  • I will find small beauties in the world today.
  • Forgiveness begins with taking care of my own hurt.
  • My challenges inspire lessons for myself and those around me.
  • Beyond mountains, there are mountains.” –Haitian Proverb
  • My feet are on the ground, I am breathing, and I safe.
  • Resting will clarify my next positive step forward.
  • I am only responsible for my own actions.
  • I believe that there is love in the world and love in myself.
Mohammed Ali encouraging words "Don't count the days - Make the days count"
“Don’t count the days. Make the days count.” – Mohammed Ali

Extensive research has shown that repeating encouraging mantras and phrases like the ones included in this post can help you focus your mind, achieve your goals, and live more mindfully. Remember to write your favorite mantras down and post them throughout the house – or around your desk – as a physical reminder to you to speak kindly to yourself.

Life is always fluctuating. And just as the world outside us constantly changes, so can the way we view it. Make positive changes today and start living the positive life you’ve always imagined.

What’s your favorite mantra? How have words of encouragement changed your outlook on life, or helped you to live more mindfully?

8 thoughts on “101 Inspirational Words of Encouragement to Lift You Up”

  1. Thank you for these lovely quotes. We are discussing supporting each other tonight and I happened to find your page. Lovely.

  2. very encouraging in these times; I loved your scientific data on how the mind will focus on a specific phrase and use that as a “short cut” to the soul and spirit to overcome or cope with fears; I have done this with Bible verses and know it works; Thank you!

  3. Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breathe and have faith that everything will work out for the best. Thanks a lot for the wonderful words.

    • Looking for words of encouragement for my wonderful grandsons,whom are moving back to the USA, from China next month. Both are in middle school and have only stayed here for 6 weeks every summer. This blog is wonderful and very helpful in so many ways. I will use it, to my fullest advantage. Thank you very much.

      • Wow….so sweet your grandsons will be very happy to have someone like you Jenny, and we could chat sometimes if you wish.


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